back-end load

back-end load
плата за выход; разовый комиссионный сбор
Введение сбора направлено на предотвращение изъятий капитала; сбор, взимаемый с инвестора, при изъятии им своих ранее инвестированных средств.

Англо-русский словарь по инвестициям. 2014.

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Смотреть что такое "back-end load" в других словарях:

  • back-end load — A form of sales charge imposed on investors by some mutual funds. These charges may be called back end loads, deferred loads, deferred sales charges, contingent deferred sales charge ( CDSC), or redemption fees. Regardless of the name, funds with …   Financial and business terms

  • Back-End Load — A fee (sales charge or load) that investors pay when selling mutual fund shares within a specified number of years, usually five to 10 years. The fee amounts to a percentage of the value of the share being sold. The fee percentage is highest in… …   Investment dictionary

  • back-end load fund — A mutual fund that charges investors a fee to sell ( redeem ( redemption)) shares, often ranging from 4% to 6%. Some back end load funds impose a full commission if the shares are redeemed within a designated length of time, such as one year. The …   Financial and business terms

  • back-end load — The final charge made by a unit trust or investment trust when an investor sells shares in the fund. Compare: front end load …   Accounting dictionary

  • back-end load — The final charge made by an investment trust or unit trust when an investor sells shares in the fund. Compare front end load …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • back-end load — /ˌbæk end ləυd/ noun a management charge or commission which is levied when the investor sells out of the fund …   Dictionary of banking and finance

  • Back-end loan fund — A mutual fund that charges investors a fee to sell ( redeem) shares, often ranging from 4% to 6%. Some back end load funds impose a full commission if the shares are redeemed within a designated time, such as one year. The commission decreases… …   Financial and business terms

  • front-end load — A form of sales charge imposed by some mutual funds. A front end load is an initial charge that is deducted from each investment made in the fund. The amount of the charge is usually a percentage of the amount of the investment. See back end load …   Financial and business terms

  • front-end load — The initial charge made by a unit trust, life assurance company, or other investment fund to pay for administration and commission for any introducing agent. The investment made on behalf of the investor is, therefore, the total initial payment… …   Accounting dictionary

  • front-end load — The initial charge made by a unit trust, life assurance company, or other investment fund to pay for administration and commission for any introducing agent. The investment made on behalf of the investor is, therefore, the total initial payment… …   Big dictionary of business and management

  • Front-end and back-end — are generalized terms that refer to the initial and the end stages of a process. The front end is responsible for collecting input in various forms from the user and processing it to conform to a specification the back end can use. The connection …   Wikipedia

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